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The Strongest A-Rated Materials for High-Rise External Flooring

The Strongest A-Rated Materials for High-Rise External Flooring

The Strongest A-Rated Materials for High-Rise External Flooring

The Strongest A-Rated Materials for High-Rise External Flooring

When specifying decking for high-rise buildings, it is important to focus on the strength, quality and longevity of the material chosen. Tenants, owners and customers use their balconies, roof gardens, and other outdoor areas for a number of activities. Many of these involve dragging tables and chairs around, sliding heavy objects, and entertaining with items that may stain.

High-rise decking must be able to be strong enough to handle whatever is thrown its way in addition to standing the test of time. In addition, the external flooring must meet current fire safety regulations set by the UK Building Regulations for Fire Safety.

On top of surviving everyday usage and the weather, it is important the high-rise decking is non-combustible. Consider the strongest A-rated external flooring for high-rise buildings we have available.

Aluminium Decking for High-Rise Buildings

Aluminium is an exceptional choice for specifying decking because of its longevity, strength, and colour options. It can be used on floors and walls and will not combust in the event of a fire. In addition, it will not rust or corrode due to extreme weather conditions. Better still, aluminium decking has impressive low slip potential and stays cool even in summer temperatures.

Download your guide to latest fire regulations | Alfresco Floors

Porcelain External Flooring

Timeless beauty is captured effortlessly in porcelain tiles. Along with the aesthetically pleasing look, porcelain is incredibly strong, stain and scratch-resistant, and prepared to handle most weather conditions. It can be easily cleaned should spills occur without needing harsh chemicals. It’s good for the environment because of its high recycled materials content. It’s an A-rated external flooring material that will hold its value for years to come.

Concrete Non-Combustible Decking

Durability and longevity are some of the greatest benefits of concrete non combustible decking. This incredibly strong external flooring option can handle even the roughest conditions. It will thrive in any condition and last for decades. It requires incredibly low maintenance and shouldn’t crack, even under extreme stress. Due to the nature of concrete, it can easily be created in small or large pavers.

Natural Stone High-Rise Decking

Naturally non-combustible, natural stone high rise decking combines functionality with sustainability. The stones are incredibly strong and resistant to weathering. They will not have any harsh chemical run off, which will help support a healthy environment. These stones cannot combust during a fire, which makes them safe to install on high-rise buildings.

A-Rated External Flooring Available

Whatever material you choose for your high-rise decking will last for years to come. We manufacture the strongest, most durable A rated external flooring on the market.

In addition, we have created our A-PED external flooring pedestal system. It is engineered to work with – and complement – any of our aluminium, porcelain, concrete, and natural stone A-rated flooring options. These pedestals are also A1-rated, so you can rest assured all aspects of your high-rise decking will pass inspection. Contact us today to begin your order

Download your guide to latest fire regulations | Alfresco Floors
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